5. Information Sharing and Stakeholders' Collaboration for Stronger Security in Financial Sector Supply Chains: A Blockchain Approach

By Ioannis Karagiannis, | Konstantinos Mavrogiannis, | John Soldatos, | Dimitris Drakoulis, | Ernesto Troiano, | Ariana Polyviou,

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Published: 17 Sep 2020

© 2020 Ioannis Karagiannis | Konstantinos Mavrogiannis | John Soldatos | Dimitris Drakoulis | Ernesto Troiano | Ariana Polyviou


Security incidents in the finance sector are highlighting their vulnerability towards security attacks and highlight the need for sharing security information across financial institutions, as a means of mitigating risks and boosting the early preparedness against attacks. To address this issue and enhance the security and trust in the information sharing process, a blockchain-based solution for sharing security information in a decentralized way can be employed. Our earlier research work has reflected on this approach and proposed a reference architecture that incorporated a blockchain based sharing of security information for critical infrastructures of the finance sector. In this Chapter we extend this reference architecture by enhancing its collaborative risk assessment approach and a security knowledge database. We then employ an example to provide a demo of the dashboard that has been implemented.