Foundations and Trends® in Human–Computer Interaction > Vol 15 > Issue 2-3

A Design Space of Sports Interaction Technology

By Dees B.W. Postma, University of Twente, The Netherlands, | Robby W. van Delden, University of Twente, The Netherlands, | Jeroen H. Koekoek, Windesheim University of Applied Sciences, The Netherlands, | Wytse W. Walinga, Windesheim University of Applied Sciences, The Netherlands, | Ivo M. van Hilvoorde, Windesheim University of Applied Sciences, The Netherlands, | Bert Jan F. van Beijnum, University of Twente, The Netherlands, | Fahim A. Salim, University of Twente, The Netherlands, | Dennis Reidsma, University of Twente, The Netherlands,

Suggested Citation
Dees B.W. Postma, Robby W. van Delden, Jeroen H. Koekoek, Wytse W. Walinga, Ivo M. van Hilvoorde, Bert Jan F. van Beijnum, Fahim A. Salim and Dennis Reidsma (2022), "A Design Space of Sports Interaction Technology", Foundations and Trends® in Human–Computer Interaction: Vol. 15: No. 2-3, pp 132-316.

Publication Date: 25 Aug 2022
© 2022 D. B. W. Postma et al.
Design and evaluation,  Interdisciplinary influence,  Multimodal interaction,  Sensor-based or tangible interaction,  Technology

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In this article:
1. Introduction
2. A Taxonomy for Sports Interaction Technology
3. The Form of the Interaction
4. The Function of the Interaction
5. Limitations of our Work
6. Conclusion


With this monograph we introduce a new, systematic taxonomy of Sports Interaction Technology (Sports ITech) that defines a design space of existing and future work in this domain. We set the taxonomy in a context of our view on sport science and sports practice, target outcomes of sports and the underlying factors influencing them, and the role that sports technology plays to support sports science and practice. In that setting we systematically build and illustrate a taxonomy for the design space for Sports ITech as a sub-area of sports technologies, with specific attention for the adequate inclusion of knowledge from the sports sciences. We build on the basis of existing taxonomies and a vast body of literature from multiple domains of HCI, technology, sports science, and related work in Sports ITech, complemented with what we identified as obvious gaps in the literature. We finally share the conclusions after a discussion of the limitations of our work.

The contributions of this monograph are as follows. First, we offer a description of a design space, exemplified through existing work in a way suitable to support designers, technologists, and sports people with a design mindset to design, deploy, and adapt Sports ITech. Second, we see this as a call to action to bring HCI and the sports sciences closer together in the new field of Sports Interaction Technology, to set a shared agenda for future developments. Third, we offer this as the collation of a reading guide and wayfinding support in the literature from the many underlying disciplines of Sports Interaction Technology.

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Table of contents:
1. Introduction
2. A Taxonomy for Sports Interaction Technology
3. The Form of the Interaction
4. The Function of the Interaction
5. Limitations of our Work
6. Conclusion

A Design Space of Sports Interaction Technology

This monograph introduces a new, systematic taxonomy of Sports Interaction Technology (Sports ITech) that defines a design space of existing and future work in this domain. The authors put the taxonomy in a context of sport science and practice, target outcomes of sports, the underlying factors that influence them, and the role that sports technology plays in supporting sports science and practice. They build on the existing taxonomies and a vast body of literature from multiple domains of HCI, technology, sports science, and related work in Sports ITech, and complement it with identified gaps in the literature.

This taxonomy is meant to be used by designers of Sports ITech. It will help better highlight and position existing work as well as provide input and inspiration for the design and deployment of such technology. It offers a description of a design space suitable to support designers, technologists, and sports people with a mindset to design, deploy, and adapt Sports ITech. The authors present this work as a call to action to bring HCI and the sports sciences closer together in the new field of Sports Interaction Technology, and aim to set a shared agenda for future developments.

A Design Space of Sports Interaction Technology is a complete guide to navigate the literature from the many underlying disciplines of Sports ITech.


Online Appendix | 1100000087_app.pdf

This is the article's accompanying appendix.

DOI: 10.1561/1100000087_app