Foundations and Trends® in Information Systems > Vol 7 > Issue 4

Responsible Blockchain: STEADI Principles and the Actor-Network Theory-based Development Methodology (ANT-RDM)

By Yibai Li, University of Scranton, USA, | Ahmed Gomaa, University of Scranton, USA, | Xiaobing Li, University of Scranton, USA,

Suggested Citation
Yibai Li, Ahmed Gomaa and Xiaobing Li (2024), "Responsible Blockchain: STEADI Principles and the Actor-Network Theory-based Development Methodology (ANT-RDM)", Foundations and TrendsĀ® in Information Systems: Vol. 7: No. 4, pp 310-356.

Publication Date: 10 Jul 2024
© 2024 Y. Li et al.
Design and evaluation,  Distributed computing,  Access control,  Accountability,  Authentication,  Ethics,  Privacy,  Security,  Scalability,  Systems theory

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In this article:
1. Introduction
2. Challenges of Blockchain Technology
3. Controversies Surrounding Blockchain Technology
4. Responsible Blockchain Development Methodology and Principles
5. Future Research Agenda
6. Conclusion


This monograph provides a comprehensive analysis of the challenges and controversies associated with blockchain technology. It identifies technical challenges such as scalability, security, privacy, and interoperability, as well as business and adoption challenges, and the social, economic, ethical, and environmental controversies present in current blockchain systems. We argue that responsible blockchain development is key to overcoming these challenges and achieving mass adoption. This monograph defines Responsible Blockchain and introduces the STEADI principles (sustainable, transparent, ethical, adaptive, decentralized, and inclusive) for responsible blockchain development. Additionally, it presents the Actor-Network Theory-based Responsible Development Methodology (ANT-RDM) for blockchains, which includes the steps of problematization, interessement, enrollment, and mobilization.

ISBN: 978-1-63828-388-1
60 pp. $55.00
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ISBN: 978-1-63828-389-8
60 pp. $155.00
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Table of contents:
1. Introduction
2. Challenges of Blockchain Technology
3. Controversies Surrounding Blockchain Technology
4. Responsible Blockchain Development Methodology and Principles
5. Future Research Agenda
6. Conclusion

Responsible Blockchain: STEADI Principles and the Actor-Network Theory-based Development Methodology (ANT-RDM)

Responsible Blockchain provides a comprehensive analysis of the challenges and controversies associated with blockchain technology. It identifies technical challenges such as scalability, security, privacy, and interoperability, as well as business and adoption challenges, and the social, economic, ethical, and environmental controversies present in current blockchain systems. The authors argue that responsible blockchain development is key to overcoming these challenges and achieving mass adoption. This monograph defines Responsible Blockchain and introduces the STEADI principles (sustainable, transparent, ethical, adaptive, decentralized, and inclusive) for responsible blockchain development. Additionally, it presents the Actor-Network Theory-based Responsible Development Methodology (ANT-RDM) for blockchains, which includes the steps of problematization, interessement, enrollment, and mobilization.
