Review of Behavioral Economics > Vol 2 > Issue 1-2

The Gaping Holes in Social Science

David H. Wolpert, Santa Fe Institute, USA,
Suggested Citation
David H. Wolpert (2015), "The Gaping Holes in Social Science", Review of Behavioral Economics: Vol. 2: No. 1-2, pp 203-210.

Publication Date: 29 Jul 2015
© 2015 D. H. Wolpert


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In this article:
1. Introduction 
2. The Gaping Holes 
3. Some Ways to Address These Holes 
4. Remarks About the Details of Homo Socialis 


Gintis and Helbing discuss some of the major holes in the set of phenomena that are addressed in modern theory of social systems, and argue for a unified approach to fill those holes. Their paper is a major contribution. However it overlooks some of the holes in modern theory that are arguably are at least as important as the ones that Gintis and Helbing consider. In this short commentary I present and discuss two such holes in modern theory of social systems, holes that greatly handicap our theoretical understanding of social systems.
