Using Foundations and Trends

Available Formats

Each issue of an FnT is published in 3 formats: an online journal article; an online E-book and a printed book. You can access the first 2 directly from the homepage of the journal if you have access to it. The printed book can also be purchased here.


Each Foundations and Trends (FnT) journal has a home page which can be reached by navigating the links on this page. The homepage of each FnT has the bibliographic data associated with it as well as the editorial board structure and scope.

The fold out bars under the bibliographic data lists all the papers published in a particular volume. Clicking on a paper title takes you to the full descriptive page of that article. The bibliographic data of the paper is at the top of the page. The details of the journal version are then presented, including the abstract and a button to download the full PDF of the paper. The book details are in the box under the journal details. This gives the user the opportunity to purchase both the print and E-book version. If the E-book has already been purchased, the "Buy E-book" button will be "download E-book".

Supplementary files and data, such as data sets, program codes, etc are available at the bottom of the page.


You can sign up to receive alerts from the now FnTs home page. You will then receive announcements when new titles are published together with a discount code that will enable you to purchase a print copy at a significantly reduced price, including basic shipping.