Author Instructions

Author Instructions

Submission Instructions
The Journal of Web Science accepts only electronic submissions. For the purposes of the review process, we require that you submit your manuscript as a pdf file, observing a page limit of 14 double column pages, 10-point type, single-spaced, or 30 single column pages, 12-point type, double-spaced (including references, figures and author biographies). The review process will be single-blind with referees remaining anonymous.

Please provide an abstract of 100 to 200 words at the head of the manuscript. The abstract should state the nature and significance of the paper. It should not include mathematical expressions or bibliographic references. The abstract will appear in various online and printed abstract journals.

Title Page
Include the title of the article, author(s) name(s), and affiliation(s).

Tables and Figures
Number figures and tables consecutively (Table 1, Table 2, etc.). Do not number them according to the section in which they appear.

Number footnotes in order, corresponding to numbers in the text, and place them at the bottom of the page. Footnotes are not necessary for works cited; use citations instead as described below.

Supplementary Materials
Authors may submit supplementary materials. Supplementary materials must be essential to the scientific integrity and excellence of the paper. Such materials are subject to the same editorial standards and peer-review procedures as the paper itself. Supplementary materials may also be subject to file size and file format restrictions.

Acknowledgements should appear at the end of text of the paper, but before the references. Authors are expected to reveal the source of any financial or research support received in connection with the preparation of their article.

Reference List
A list of references must be provided at the end of the paper. Verify references carefully; they must correspond to the citations in text. During production, we will use these references to create links to the cited articles that are available on the Internet. List alphabetically by author's last name and then by year. The reference style for the Journal of Web Science is numerical. It is very important that you supply as complete a reference as possible and that it is structured in the manner requested. Please see an example of the reference and citation style below:

[6] G. Grosseck and C. Holotescu, “Can We Use Twitter for Educational Activities?” Proceedings of the Fourth International Scientific Conference on eLearning and Software for Education, 2008
The in-text citation for this reference should be: "[6]".

Open Access
The Journal of Web Science is an online-only title whose issues become "open access" immediately upon publication. If your manuscript is accepted, you will be issued with detailed instructions on how to prepare the final version for publication. LaTeX style files and Word templates will be provided that will allow you to format your final version exactly as it will appear online. If you are unable or unwilling to provide camera-ready copy, the publisher will typeset the article. In this instance, the author will be charged $15 per typeset page. If it is deemed that a paper needs to be copy-edited, the costs for this service would also be charged to the author at a fee of $15 per page. Please note that the intention is to make the Journal of Web Science a free online journal. By this, we mean free to readers immediately upon publication, and free to authors. Authors can help facilitate this model by formatting their accepted papers using the camera-ready style files. The fees mentioned in this section are merely intended to offset any direct costs incurred by the publisher if an author cannot provide camera ready copy.

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