Foundations and Trends® in Optimization > Vol 5 > Issue 4

Massively Parallel Computation: Algorithms and Applications

By Sungjin Im, University of California, Merced, USA, | Ravi Kumar, Google, Mountain View, USA, | Silvio Lattanzi, Google, Barcelona, Spain, | Benjamin Moseley, Carnegie Mellon University, USA, | Sergei Vassilvitskii, Google, New York, USA,

Suggested Citation
Sungjin Im, Ravi Kumar, Silvio Lattanzi, Benjamin Moseley and Sergei Vassilvitskii (2023), "Massively Parallel Computation: Algorithms and Applications", Foundations and TrendsĀ® in Optimization: Vol. 5: No. 4, pp 340-417.

Publication Date: 28 Sep 2023
© 2023 S. Im et al.
Design and analysis of algorithms,  Distributed computing,  Parallel algorithms

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In this article:
1. Introduction
2. The MPC Model
3. Partitioning and Coresets
4. Sample and Prune
5. Dynamic Programming
6. Round Reduction via Sampling
7. Round Reduction via Graph Exponentiation
8. Lower Bounds
9. Conclusions


The algorithms community has been modeling the underlying key features and constraints of massively parallel frameworks and using these models to discover new algorithmic techniques tailored to them. This monograph focuses on the Massively Parallel Model of Computation (MPC) framework, also known as the MapReduce model in the literature. It describes algorithmic tools that have been developed to leverage the unique features of the MPC framework. These tools were chosen for their broad applicability, as they can serve as building blocks to design new algorithms. The monograph is not exhaustive and includes topics such as partitioning and coresets, sample and prune, dynamic programming, round compression, and lower bounds.

ISBN: 978-1-63828-216-7
92 pp. $70.00
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ISBN: 978-1-63828-217-4
92 pp. $150.00
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Table of contents:
1. Introduction
2. The MPC Model
3. Partitioning and Coresets
4. Sample and Prune
5. Dynamic Programming
6. Round Reduction via Sampling
7. Round Reduction via Graph Exponentiation
8. Lower Bounds
9. Conclusions

Massively Parallel Computation: Algorithms and Applications

The modern era is witnessing a revolution in the ability to scale computations to massively large data sets. A key breakthrough in scalability was the introduction of fast and easy-to-use distributed programming models such as the Massively Parallel Model of Computation (MPC) framework (also known as MapReduce). The framework describes algorithmic tools that have been developed to leverage the unique features of the MPC framework. These tools were chosen for their broad applicability, as they can serve as building blocks to design new algorithms.

In this monograph the authors describe in detail certain tools available in the framework that are generally applicable and can be used as building blocks to design algorithms in the area. These include Partitioning and Coresets, sample and prune, dynamic programming, round compression, and lower bounds.

This monograph provides the reader with an accessible introduction to the most important tools of a framework used for the design of new algorithms deployed in systems using massively parallel computation.
