Foundations and Trends® in Entrepreneurship > Vol 16 > Issue 6

Developments in Strategic Entrepreneurship

By B. Casales Morici, Department of Business Studies, Uppsala University, Sweden, | I. Zander, Department of Business Studies, Uppsala University, Sweden,

Suggested Citation
B. Casales Morici and I. Zander (2020), "Developments in Strategic Entrepreneurship", Foundations and Trends® in Entrepreneurship: Vol. 16: No. 6, pp 444-513.

Publication Date: 25 Aug 2020
© 2020 B. Casales Morici and I. Zander
Managerial characteristics and behavior of entrepreneurs
Strategic entrepreneurshipOpportunity-seekingAdvantage-seeking

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In this article:
1. Introduction
2. Definitional Matters
3. Models and Frameworks of Strategic Entrepreneurship
4. The Evolution of StrategicEntrepreneurship Research
5. Discussion
6. Conclusions
Appendix A
Appendix B


Now almost twenty years ago, strategic entrepreneurship emerged as a new and high-potential field of research at the crossroads of the entrepreneurship and strategic management literatures. In this review, we track the development of this new field of research to see whether it has lived up to the original promises. Based on the review of 131 articles that have appeared over the period 2001–2019, we conclude that strategic entrepreneurship research is yet to develop the coherence and momentum that will allow it to take off more emphatically. In the discussion, we outline a set of interrelated issues concerned with conceptual ambiguity, model boundaries, and consistency in the application of conceptual foundations which we believe have had an attenuating effect on past developments of the field. We conclude our review by identifying a number of avenues for future research, alongside a pressing need for producing firmer practical guidelines for how to effectively integrate the entrepreneurial and strategic aspects of management.

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Table of contents:
1. Introduction
2. Definitional Matters
3. Models and Frameworks of Strategic Entrepreneurship
4. The Evolution of StrategicEntrepreneurship Research
5. Discussion
6. Conclusions
Appendix A
Appendix B

Developments in Strategic Entrepreneurship

Developments in Strategic Entrepreneurship provides a systematic and encompassing review of developments in strategic entrepreneurship research, mapping the evolution of strategic entrepreneurship as a field of research. Beyond mapping and assessing the evolution of strategic entrepreneurship research, the authors identify areas where further theoretical, conceptual and empirical studies would be particularly useful. Starting with a review of extant definitions, conceptual foundations, and models of strategic entrepreneurship, the authors offer a comprehensive review documenting how the field has evolved in terms of the scope and contents of scholarly contributions. Second is an analysis of the core articles in strategic entrepreneurship research. Finally, the authors discuss what the collective findings on past and contemporary achievements suggest about the state of strategic entrepreneurship research, and what they imply for future research and further development of the field.
